Red Crescent is a charity organization with a wide range of activities in Turkey and in many parts of the world. The institution, which özgü a large staff capacity, also özgü volunteer employees. Red Crescent staff salaries It can also be said that it is a subject that people who want to work in this institution are interested in. Kızılay, which is trying to reach many places as a charity organization, needs many personnel. Operating as Turkey’s largest non-governmental organization, Kızılay is also the largest blood bank.
Red Crescent Staff Salaries and Working Conditions
It is an institution that özgü been continuing its humanitarian aid services since 1868 without expecting anything in return. Continuing its activities in many parts of the world, Kızılay is one of the institutions that need more personnel. The company, which is in search of personnel with different skills and who can work with devotion, works in a very detailed way. The organization özgü both permanent and volunteer positions. Red Crescent volunteer working conditions Persons with sufficient skills can also work voluntarily.
In addition, there are different job positions such as driver, nurse, administrative officer. Red Crescent staff salaries differ according to the status of these positions. Employees receive a salary from the Red Crescent both according to the year they work and according to the status of their positions. To be a Red Crescent employee, you must make sure that you meet the requirements of the institution.
Hızlı erişim
- Red Crescent Volunteer Working Conditions
- Red Crescent Staff Salaries
- Red Crescent Driver Salary
- Red Crescent Nurse Salary
- Red Crescent Call Center Salary
- Red Crescent Administrative Officer Salaries
- Red Crescent General Manager Salary
- Red Crescent Employee Reviews
- How to Become a Red Crescent Volunteer?
- Kızılay Working Hours
- What is required to work in Kızılay?
- Red Crescent Human Resources Contact
- Advice for those who want to work in Kızılay
Red Crescent Volunteer Working Conditions
The volunteer teams of Kızılay work as actively as the other personnel. These people, who frequently take part in natural disasters, are guided by the Red Crescent. Volunteers who help people in different fields during volunteer work must meet the specified conditions. You can choose one of the categories of disaster, blood, youth, first aid and education to become a volunteer. Red Crescent volunteer working conditions When examined, the following details are important:
You need to be a member of the Red Crescent. To become a volunteer, you must apply through the corporate website. You must make sure that there is a photo on your resume when you become a member. Membership procedures are free of charge. You must fill in your profile information. You must successfully complete the training given to you. You must find the task that suits you. You must be able to complete the specified tasks.
Red Crescent is looking for volunteers who can work flexibly and successfully carry out the task it undertakes. People with a self-sacrificing and self-sacrificing spirit can take part in the volunteer teams of the institution. Volunteer teams have different tasks. During the application, you must specify in detail which task group you are in. Thus, you can easily work in a job suitable for your skills in the volunteer staff of the institution.
Red Crescent Staff Salaries
There are differences in salaries among the Red Crescent personnel. Each employee receives a salary according to their rank and position. Salary and wage payments in the institution have a different operation than many institutions. There is a structure that moves from the performance of the employees to a more corporate performance. Performance evaluation is done twice a year. Depending on these performance evaluations, decreases in motivation and many other details are examined in detail. The cadres in the Red Crescent are as follows:
MidwifeNurseMonitoring and Evaluation OfficerReporting Data SpecialistFinancial Affairs AssistantCommunication AssistantYouth AssistantTranslatorFinancial Affairs SpecialistDoctorCall Center OperatorProtection ProgramMedical Laboratory Technician InternProgram/ Project AssistantHealth SpecialistInternational Relations Officer
You can choose one of the categories such as: In addition to these, there are also staff such as strategists and consultants. Payment of fees is also made according to these evaluations. However, performance evaluation is not the only determinant in this process. The qualifications of the position of the people are also among the issues that are given importance. Red Crescent staff salaries It is not possible to find precise information about it. However, only average estimates can be made by looking at historical data.
Read: To get information about different professions Work conditions You can check our category.
Red Crescent Driver Salary
Among the Kızılay job positions, driving is one of the most applied fields. In order to become a driver, people must be at least a primary school graduate. In addition, it is required to have a class B driver’s license. Recruitment in this field is usually made to predetermined provinces. It is important for these people to be experienced in their fields. Being prone to teamwork, being active and dynamic are important details. At the same time, being solution-oriented is one of the criteria sought.
Red Crescent driver salary may vary according to the qualifications of the position and the length of time the person özgü been in the institution. The salary of people who get a job at Kızılay as a driver is higher than the minimum wage. However, there is no clear information on this subject.
Red Crescent Nurse Salary
Persons who graduated from the relevant schools as nurses can work in the permanent positions of the Red Crescent. Nurses are among the positions that receive high salaries in the Red Crescent institution. Since the net figures of 2022 have not been announced, it can be said that the Red Crescent nurses receive a salary of 6 thousand TL according to the 2020 data. This figure will be much higher with the salary increases in 2022.
Nurses are at the forefront of any natural disaster. In case of injuries to people, they provide services at the scene as an emergency support team. Nurses, who are the most important branch of the health teams, are an important position for the Red Crescent.
Red Crescent Call Center Salary
There are many different positions in Kızılay. Call center position, which forwards incoming notices, complaints, suggestions and requests to the relevant places, is one of them. Salaries with the Red Crescent call center salary higher than the minimum wage level. The length of time that people working in this position are in the institution is also among the factors that affect salaries.
Red Crescent Administrative Officer Salaries
There are various administrative divisions in Kızılay. Officers and supervisors work in each of these administrative divisions. Red Crescent administrative officer salaries are among the highest salary groups. The salaries of people such as directors, experts and consultants working in this field vary between 9500 TL and 17000 TL, according to previous data. However, it can be said that the salary status of people with the status of regular civil servants is slightly lower. Red Crescent staff salaries According to the new data on the subject, there is no clear information about civil servant salaries like other positions.
Red Crescent General Manager Salary
The person in charge of the Red Crescent institution is the general manager of the institution. It is the highest paid position in the institution. Salaries of general managers vary between 14 thousand and 24 thousand TL according to 2020 salary data. Assistants are between 9500 TL and 17000 TL. According to 2022 data, there is no clear information about the salary status of these positions.
Kızılay ranks first among the institutions that hisse the highest salaries in Turkey. Although the figures here are not clear, they are presented to you in the light of the information compiled from the market. Red Crescent staff salaries There is no clear information about it.
Red Crescent Employee Reviews
In order to become a Red Crescent employee, people need to do detailed research. Because working in Kızılay, Turkey’s largest aid and assistance institution, brings with it some sacrifices. The lack of intercity travel barriers and flexible working hours are among the issues that you should give the most importance.
Red Crescent employee comments When examined, it is not easy to find a complaint about the institution. It is one of the institutions that work very meticulously. In addition, the employees of the institution do not express a complaint about their duties as they are accustomed to a dynamic structure. Being a Red Crescent employee requires undertaking certain responsibilities. For this reason, in order to be a volunteer or a permanent staff member in the institution, you must meet the desired criteria in the best way possible.
In addition to these, Kızılay is an institution where positive comments are expressed in many ways. Because the institution values the professional development of its employees in all aspects. Thanks to various trainings and courses held at certain times of the year, Kızılay employees have the opportunity to improve themselves.
How to Become a Red Crescent Volunteer?
There are important details that people who want to volunteer at the Red Crescent should know. First of all, you need to complete your application process in order to become a volunteer. When you apply to the institution through the corporate website, it is important to specify a field. Because Red Crescent volunteers serve according to these areas. The following information is important to become a volunteer:
You must apply from the online addresses of the institution. You must choose one of the volunteer positions. If you have received first aid training, you can be recruited to volunteer positions more easily. You should mention yourself in your application.
You will receive a response about 3 weeks after the interview. At the same time, public holidays and special holidays can also be effective on this period. In voluntary work, the Red Crescent generally considers first-degree relatives as priority.
Kızılay Working Hours
If you intend to work in Kızılay, you should learn about the working hours. The working hours of the institution may vary depending on the position you are in. As with many public institutions, Kızılay is closed on weekends and public holidays.
Red Crescent working hours During the week, it provides service between 08.00 and 12.00 and 13.00 – 17.00 in the mornings. However, these hours may differ in emergency and disaster situations. There may also be situations where employees have to stay overtime. Hours stated are for routine working hours only.
Read: Salaries of AFAD Volunteers
What is required to work in Kızılay?
In order to work at Kızılay, you must first be selfless. The way the institution works is extremely dynamic. You must be able to keep up with a tiring and active pace. In addition to these, Turkish Red Crescent conducts some examinations in personnel recruitment. You must be successful in these exams. If you have received first aid training before, this will reflect positively on your resume.
If you have relatives working in Kızılay, this may give you priority in the recruitment process. Because the institution gives priority to people who have first-degree relatives in recruitment. Red Crescent recruits in different regions and cities. For this reason, you need to check whether there is a vacancy in your city while applying.
Unlike many institutions, the KPSS score does not mean anything in Kızılay. After applying, the candidates are evaluated independently from each subject and they are recruited. Interview processes can take approximately 3 weeks. After the announcement of the advertisements, you have to make your application through the institution’s website.
Red Crescent Human Resources Contact
Red Crescent job applications and recruitment processes are evaluated by human resources. About questions about any position Red Crescent human resources communication You can get information from numbers. For contact information, you can enter the institution’s website. You can apply from the application section here. Contact info:
Advice for those who want to work in Kızılay
If you want to work in Kızılay, you should know the prerequisites of the institution. With this Advice for those who want to work in Kızılay The following may also be mentioned:
First of all, you should have enough self-sacrifice about working in the Red Crescent. You should participate in the training of the institution without interruption and ensure success. You should be able to be a team with the supervisors and other colleagues in the institution. It is of great importance to have received first aid training. It is among the most important details. If you want to work in Kızılay, you have to constantly follow the job postings.
After applying for the postings, you may be required to take an exam for the position applied for. You must show the required success in this exam. Applications are only accepted through the website. Red Crescent staff salaries It is of great importance that you apply to the institution by getting information about and many more details.